China News Service United Nations, January 1 (Reporter Wang Fan) United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres delivered a speech to the media at the United Nations headquarters in New York on January 15, once again calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Guterres said that it has been more than 10 days since the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) launched an attack on Israel on October 7 last year. There can be no justification for the deliberate killing, maiming and abduction of civilians or the firing of rockets at civilians. At the same time, nothing can justify collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

On January 1, local time, UN Secretary-General António Guterres delivered a speech to the media at the United Nations headquarters in New York, reiterating his call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Photo by China News Service reporter Wang Fan

Guterres said the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is difficult to describe in words, and no place or person is safe. Although steps have been taken to scale up humanitarian relief in the Gaza Strip, the scale needed has not been reached. The shadow of hunger looms over the people of Gaza, and with it, disease, malnutrition and other health threats.

Guterres said that an effective rescue operation requires a certain base of conditions, including security and logistical support. Since the beginning of the current round of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 152 United Nations staff members have been killed in the Gaza Strip. In addition, many critical supplies are unable to enter the Gaza Strip or are difficult to distribute in northern Gaza. Humanitarian efforts face many obstacles. He urged all parties to respect international humanitarian law, respect and protect civilians and guarantee their basic needs.

Guterres pointed out that tensions are rising throughout the Middle East, including the situation in the Red Sea and the border between Israel and Lebanon. He stressed that "we need an immediate humanitarian ceasefire" because the longer the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues, the greater the risk of escalation and miscalculation of the crisis, and "we cannot allow what is happening in Gaza to continue". (ENDS)