Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (Anadolu Agency)

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that "there is a broad consensus that the Zionist entity lost the war in Gaza and became defeated and disintegrated," praising what the Houthis are doing in the Red Sea.

In a meeting with Friday imams at the "Hosseinieh of Imam Khomeini" in the capital Tehran, the Iranian leader said that the peoples of the world, Muslims and non-Muslims, believe that "the usurping Zionist entity is cruel, unjust and bloodthirsty, and it is sad, defeated and disintegrated, and the whole world agrees that the people of Gaza are oppressed and victorious."

Khamenei also said that Yemenis "cut off Israel's vital arteries and did not fear threats from the United States," describing what the Houthis are doing in support of Palestine as "a great work that deserves praise and appreciation."

He expressed hope that "these efforts, resistance and activities will continue until victory, God willing."

In solidarity with the Gaza Strip, which has been hit since October 7 by a devastating Israeli war with Western support, the Houthis are targeting Red Sea cargo ships owned or operated by Israeli companies or transporting goods to and from Israel with rockets and drones.

That led to the White House announcing in a joint statement by 10 countries that U.S. and British forces had carried out joint attacks against targets in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen.

In the Houthi reaction, the military spokesman for the Ansar Allah group (Houthis) Yahya Saree said on Monday that the group considers American and British ships among its military objectives "until the aggression on the Gaza Strip stops," stressing the continuation of trade in the Arab and Red Sea to all destinations "except the ports of occupied Palestine."

Source : Al Jazeera + Iranian Press