China News Service, Hong Kong, January 1 (Reporter Liu Dawei) Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive John Lee said at a meeting with the media before attending the Executive Council on the 16th that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will seize the opportunity to fully promote and hold large-scale international conferences, plus other cultural and sports events, to revitalize local consumption and economic activities, strengthen development opportunities, and stimulate consumption momentum.

At the media meeting, Mr Lee introduced the 1th Asian Financial Forum, which will be held on January 24-25.

Mr Lee pointed out that this year's forum is the first major event in Hong Kong's financial and business circles this year, and the first time that the forum will be held in an all-person format after Hong Kong's full return to normalcy, and is expected to be attended by more than 3000,70 financial and business elites from all over the world. Nearly <> Mainland and overseas business delegations have confirmed their attendance, reflecting the attractiveness of the Forum.

Li Jiachao introduced that the theme of this forum is "Multilateral Cooperation, a New Chapter of the Same Spectrum", to promote all parties to work together, explore sustainable economic development models, and jointly explore opportunities for multilateral cooperation. Keynote speakers include 2022 Nobel Laureate in Economics Douglas W. Diamond and world-renowned economist and Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network Jeffrey D. Sachs, as well as finance ministers or deputy ministers from many countries, as well as senior executives from various international financial and multilateral organizations, who will share their insights with the global financial community.

He said that another feature of this year's forum was the overwhelming response from speakers from the Middle East and ASEAN countries, fully demonstrating the achievements of the HKSAR Government in promoting Hong Kong's advantages to these two regions. Among them, there are 8 speakers from the Middle East, a three-fold increase from the previous year, and the number of speakers from ASEAN countries has also increased by about three times to 3.

Mr Lee also mentioned that the HKSAR Government will seize the opportunity to promote the convention economy and the event economy, and collaborate with various organisations to arrange non-conference activities for the participants, such as visiting the Hong Kong Palace Museum and experiencing Hong Kong's nightlife in Lan Kwai Fong. In addition to making the participants feel at home and experiencing the lively shopping and consumption of Hong Kong, it also made them feel more vibrant and colorful in Hong Kong. (ENDS)