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Duration 03 minutes 25 seconds 03:25

RAMALLAH – On the 59th anniversary of its inception, the Palestinian National Liberation Movement Fatah, which for years before the Oslo Accords led the Palestinian people, is facing criticism for its declining militant role on the ground during Israel's more than 100-day war on the Gaza Strip and the accompanying attacks in the West Bank that affected all aspects of daily life.

What is the future of the movement? And its power in the Palestinian street in the current confrontation? To what extent is it able to maintain its resistance identity after years of identification with the authority that raises the slogan of a peaceful solution?

During this meeting with a Fatah leader and member of its Central Committee, Abbas Zaki, Al Jazeera Net surveyed the movement's positions on the most important issues on the Palestinian arena currently.

  • You followed the hearing of the International Court of Justice on the accusation of Israel of genocide in Gaza, what is the significance of the step taken by South Africa? How can it be built upon by Palestinians?

South Africa previously lived through the conditions that Palestine is now living under occupation, but with will, determination, patience and high wisdom, they were able to win, and this victory was a victory for all the oppressed in the world.

Thus, with the beginning of the war on the Gaza Strip, South Africa was watching the massacre carried out by Israel, aware of its past crimes since 1948.

This step established a new phase based on a radical and comprehensive change on the basis that Palestine is now morally dividing the world between those who support occupation and injustice, and those who support international law, justice and peace, in addition to re-correcting the concepts of Zionism, occupation and the right of the occupied people to use all forms of struggle to end the occupation.

This step strengthened the international and Arab popular position in support of the Palestinian cause, which has become convinced of the justice of the cause and the need to end the occupation, which has become a burden on the West and the world.

"Our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinian people," #جنوب_افريقيا in the footsteps of #نلسون_مانديلا #FreePalestine

— Abed Dolah (@AbedDolah) January 11, 2024

  • US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's recent meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas suggested that there are American demands for reform and the renewal of the PA, so is the current form of authority intended to be more acceptable to Israel and the United States?

America and behind it Israel see that this authority does not serve them, so they seek to reconstitute the authority to their size, something that no one accepts. We are therefore supposed to confront and reject these demands.

On the other hand, America supports Israel by exterminating our people in the Gaza Strip, and on the other hand, it cannot force Israel to pay the most basic benefits to the Palestinian side, the least of which is the payment of tax money (clearance).

Any talk of reforming the PA now as a prelude to post-war arrangements by a genocidal party with Israel is rejected, as no one would accept to go to Gaza with American cover.

  • In light of the ongoing Israeli war of extermination in the Gaza Strip, and the daily crimes of occupation and settlement in the West Bank, where is the Palestinian Authority from what is happening here, and what do you think is required of it?

The PA is doing its duty day and night to protect the Palestinian situation, prevent collapse, provide aid, and communicate with international parties, whether at the United Nations or international forums, but it cannot do any more.

  • President Mahmoud Abbas threatened to stop security coordination with the occupation in more than one station, what prevents this threat from being implemented, as long as the occupation crosses all red lines in dealing with the PA and with Palestinian citizens?

Security coordination applies when there are contacts between Palestinian and Israeli officers, but what is happening is that Israel is abusing the entire West Bank, there may be wisdom not to cancel coordination officially by the president and the leadership, but there is no real coordination on the ground.

  • Speaking of the war on Gaza, what is Fatah's role after the events of the Al-Aqsa flood, and how do you respond to criticism about the decline of its role in the Palestinian street?

Unfortunately, they mortgaged our fate to an illusion called peace, and during the past 30 years there was no preparation for battles as much as building state institutions, and in all of this Fatah was on the left of power, which made its role in the resistance less. But this does not mean that Fatah is not fighting, Gaza is not without Fatah fighting, and even in the West Bank, despite all the restrictions and agreements that prevent Fatah from carrying weapons, we see the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades resisting.

I say that the day Israel annexes the West Bank, all Fatahs, no matter how involved they are in power and its interests, will confront it. I am confident that Israel's aggression will lead us all to battle.

Abbas Zaki: Israel will face a major challenge from Fatah when it annexes the West Bank (Al Jazeera)

  • Fatah was supposed to hold its eighth general conference in the middle of last month, what hinders that? What are the most prominent decisions that he is expected to come out with if it convenes?

We needed to hold a conference to devote democratic life to Fatah's choice of leaders, but under no circumstances can we hold our conference without Gaza, and in light of this war we can discuss who leads and there is a leadership on the ground fighting in Gaza. I said and say that as long as "Mohammed Deif" walks on his feet we are all fine.

  • In general, how does Fatah, 59 years after its inception, still lead the street? Is it possible to say that its internal differences have affected its power on the ground?

Fatah's idea is to liberate all Palestinian territory, despite our commitment to peace agreements with Israel. Fatah still has the same strategy, and it remains strong despite all the differences, and the more Israel increases its pressure, the more cohesion and strength the movement returns, and we do not disagree with those of us who want peace, but we say that they must also prepare for war.

Now, we in Fatah are making an effort to make this forced dimension as a result of the previous circumstances unpermanent.

  • Speaking of internal affairs, are there any contacts between the PA, Fatah and Hamas? What are the most important files that you think should be addressed by these communications?

For us, the assassination of the leader Saleh al-Arouri was like the assassination of Abu Jihad, there is no difference between them for Fatah, and despite all the circumstances and threats and his classification by America as a terrorist, we declared mourning.

I think the position between us and Hamas "under the table" is acceptable, but without political consequences or official contacts.

From my point of view, there should have been contacts since the first day of the aggression, and I support a call by the president to arrange the Palestinian house now, because Hamas needs us and we need it, and there is nothing to hinder that.

Fatah leader Abbas Zaki ..!!

— (Sami Atta) Sami Atta (@SamiAtta) January 8, 2024

  • After the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood, we heard voices from within the Fatah movement criticizing Hamas and demanding that it be held accountable.

During the battle, nothing like this can be said, but then everyone will be held accountable through the ballot box for a new leadership.

  • Despite the series of Israeli incursions and assassinations of resistance cadres in the West Bank, especially Jenin, Nablus and Tulkarem, the confrontation with the occupation continues, escalating and intensifying. In your estimation, where is this resistance going? Is the situation in the West Bank heading towards explosion or calm?

Israel's strategic target is the West Bank, and the guillotine was for the West Bank, not Gaza. We say that if they want to implement what they are talking about by displacing Palestinians from the West Bank, we will not leave, no matter how much sacrifice they make.

Source : Al Jazeera