Louise Sallé / Photo credit: JEAN-MICHEL DELAGE / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 15:07 p.m., January 16, 2024

According to a study by the Article 1 association, the current economic context influences high school students in their choice of orientation. On the eve of the opening of registrations on Parcoursup, many of them prefer training courses located close to the family home to contain costs.

Stress is starting to mount for the students of Terminale and their parents. Because it is this Wednesday that registration will open on the Parcoursup orientation platform. And, according to a survey by the Article 1 association, 74% of the high school students questioned say they are influenced in their choices by the current context of economic crisis. 47% of them are looking for training close to home, in order to limit costs, compared to 13% last year.

Lisa, 17, is anxious. This Terminale student has to enter her wishes in Parcoursup but is worried about not being able to finance her training. "It's super fuzzy for me to say exactly what I want to do. I wanted to go to business school at first, but I started looking at prices and good business schools, it's between 10 and 15,000 euros per year. So it's not possible, over five years, to pay 75,000 euros for a study. So, I'm going to try to get a bachelor's degree," explains the teenager.

An interest in work-study programs

According to the study, young people from working-class backgrounds are more affected. They therefore favour training close to the family home with a maximum of opportunities to avoid any risk of unemployment, sometimes giving up on their dream job. "There is an awareness among young people and an internalization of this issue of inflation. The trend that is confirmed is that of interest in work-study programs, precisely so as not to have to assume the pedagogical costs of one's training," explains the director of the Inspire orientation program of the Article 1 association that carried out the survey.


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Due to the economic context, 3% of the students surveyed are even considering dropping out of school.