Inmaculada Cobo

Updated Monday,15January2024-17:12

  • Music Who is Ana Mena, the singer who is going to compete with Pedroche in the Campanadas on TVE
  • Interview Ana Mena: "I'm a pretty normal aunt"

It's been a while since Ana Mena has needed an introduction. The singer from Malaga who gave the last Campanadas on TVE has become one of the artists with the most projection in our country -with Rosalía's permission-. Going out with Ramontxu and Jenni Hermoso on screen on December 31 is not a coincidence but the result of the effort of the singer and the team that accompanies her.

Among the names behind Ana Mena is that of Tomás Palacios (37), her publicist, a well-established figure in the United States but who is still not so well known here in Spain. Basically, it's the person who positions the artist to be so well-known that brands knock on their door and the media on their phone. Tomás tells LOC that he met Ana's manager, José Luis de la Peña, and that he was the one who played a song by the singer. Instantly Thomas said, "I'm going all-in."

The publicist acknowledges that at first it was difficult to launch Ana's career because of how highly competitive the music industry is. "We were trying to get her project off the ground and it just so happens that Ana Guerra also appears in Operación Triunfo. It was hard. We started by making it known in music blogs, through more modest interviews. The media in Andalusia gave us a lot of opportunities. We have always gone hand in hand with José Luis de la Peña. Now when we see it on magazine covers, we get very excited. To see it in such beastly growth," Tomás tells LOC.

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In fact, Ana Mena had to pack her bags and go to Italy to succeed there before doing it in our country. "Ana Mena's manager has a lot of contacts in Italy. We believed in the idea of going outside. She is a very pretty, sweet, very professional, very smart girl, she learned Italian in four months. She's very committed and has a lot of self-love."

As for the success of the Campanadas, Tomás believes that justice has been done to the Madrid City singer. "Now you see it in the Chimes, but until that moment there have been a lot of tears. It was the chain itself that contacted us and told us that they wanted Ana. The recognition that the profession owed to all the effort he had made. They wanted to get closer to the transversal audience that she drags: from families to LGBTI audiences, ladies... It was only right that Anne should present them."


Tomás Palacios is not only Ana Mena's publicist. There are other very powerful names in his portfolio. Belinda, Lali Espósito, Juan Magán, Peso Pluma, Gloria Trevi and Omar Montes are some of them. The latter stands out for his personal treatment and charisma. Tomás' agency, Artist Publicist, turns ten years old in 2024 and the founder intends to throw a party in style.

To get to this point, Tomás has also had to work hard to achieve the contact list he has today. He came from Badajoz to Madrid to study and since he was a child he knew that he wanted to dedicate himself to show business. His stroke of luck came when he worked for El Corte Inglés, the company that opened all the doors for him. "They gave me an amazing opportunity, I met all the press who are now my vehicle to shine with my clients." He adds: "I've done some exciting things with them, to be honest. I've met people like Naty Abascal and models I would never have dreamed of working with."

Naty Abascal is a key name in the life of Tomás Palacios. The publicist acknowledges that she has been an "angel" to him. "Naty is my talisman, my friend. I've gone on holiday with her to Thailand, to Marrakech... It's pure heart. He has always tried to help me in everything by introducing me to people, for example. She hasn't lost her enthusiasm, she's an example to follow."