Isabel Pedrejón

Updated Monday,15January2024-14:18

  • Relations Genoveva Casanova, Prince Frederik of Denmark and the scandal of their photos together
  • Genoveva Casanova controversy: sheltered in her ex's palace, with a bad face but with a luxury bag

Denmark has experienced a historic event on January 14 because it has been nine centuries since a monarch has abdicated. With the disappearance of Queen Margrethe II (83) in the first line, a new era is ushered in the figure of her son Frederick X (55) in which he will be accompanied by the Queen Consort, Mary Donaldson (51). On the balcony of Christiansborg Castle in central Copenhagen, the royal couple showed the world that they are still as much in love as they were on day one with a fairytale kiss.

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Hunts in Austria, great plans in Central Europe... This is how the friendship between Genevieve Casanova and Frederick of Denmark was forged

  • Written by: EDUARDO VERBO

Hunts in Austria, great plans in Central Europe... This is how the friendship between Genevieve Casanova and Frederick of Denmark was forged

A lot has happened since Federico starred on the cover of the magazine Lecturas on November 9 with Genoveva Casanova (47), with whom he had spent the night in Madrid. The news of the then crown prince's possible infidelity went around the world. In Denmark, where the monarchy enjoys overwhelming popularity, the scandal hit them like a bucket of ice water. There were rumours of estrangement between Frederick and Mary, and even of a divorce, but for the sake of the crown everything has come to fruition.

While many were seething with joy at the event, others wondered where Genoveva Casanova was. Since the news was published, the Mexican socialite decided to take refuge in the Arbaizenea palace in San Sebastian, a property that Cayetana, Duchess of Alba, ceded during her lifetime to her son Cayetano Martínez de Irujo (60), Genoveva's ex-husband. In mid-December he moved to Madrid to celebrate Christmas with his family.

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Since the mess emerged, numerous media outlets have tried to draw a chronology on the women's movements that shook the foundations of one of the most solid monarchies of recent decades. Genoveva doesn't want to go out on the street. She's terrified of being caught in the media. Several of her close friends have confessed to Vanitatis that "her whereabouts are unknown", but what they have not clarified is whether from a distance the Mexican has followed the coronation with interest. "Genoveva is completely isolated, bordering on paranoia. She doesn't answer her friends like she used to, she doesn't even behave normally. He is suspicious of everything and everyone," they explained to the digital media.

It has not been seen or heard, but on Monday morning it could be read. She has done so through her Instagram stories where she has published a video in which actress Rachel Brosnaham (33) can be seen in her leading role in the series The Wonderful Mrs. Maisel where she states in English that ''I want to live a great life. I want to experience it all. I want to break every single rule out there. They say that ambition is not an attractive trait in a woman. Perhaps, but what's appealing? Wait for something to happen? (...)''. Quite a statement of intent.

In the end, she did not accept the invitation of the Danish republican tabloid Ekstra Bladet, who wrote to her the following: "Dear Genoveva Casanova: Despite being a good friend of our crown prince, it has been difficult for us to get in touch with you lately. We'd just like to make sure you've heard the big news: on Sunday, Frederick will be crowned King of Denmark. What news, huh? If your friend hasn't invited you to the big event yet, we want the opportunity to do so. Genevieve, come to Copenhagen!"