A screenshot from a video released by the Turkish Ministry of Defense of one of the facilities targeted by the strikes (Anadolu Agency)

The Turkish air force has carried out new airstrikes on Kurdish militant targets in northern Iraq and northern Syria, in response to the killing of 9 Turkish soldiers in the latest PKK attack.

The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced – in a statement – that its fighter jets bombed on Sunday evening 24 targets in the areas of Matina, Hakurk, Karah, Asus and Qandil in northern Iraq, and also hit targets in areas in northern Syria, and talked about the killing of a large number of those it described as "terrorists."

It said those targets included caves, bunkers, ammunition depots and gas factories used by PKK fighters.

The ministry added that the targeted sites were likely to have "terrorist" leaders, the statement said.

Hours after nine Turkish soldiers were killed on Saturday in a PKK attack on a Turkish base in the far north of Iraq, the Turkish air force carried out raids on PKK targets in Iraq and the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), which controls areas in northern Syria and is seen by Turkey as an extension of the PKK.

Turkey's defence ministry said the first wave of air strikes targeted 54 Kurdish militant targets and killed 57 militants.

Source: Agencies