
Updated Monday,15January2024 - 10:09

  • Politics Bolaños takes control of negotiations with Podemos after Díaz fiasco

Pedro Sánchez has tried to reduce the scope of the transfer of management to the Generalitat of Catalonia of policies related to foreign citizenship by excluding from them "border control and irregular migration and its fight against trafficking in human beings". "It is the General State Administration as a whole that has these powers. That cannot be transferred," said the President of the Government in an interview with RNE.

He has done so after Junts has insisted that this delegation must be "comprehensive" after the pact reached last Wednesday with the PSOE in exchange for its abstention in the validation of three royal decrees. According to the secretary general of this formation, Jordi Turull, this was the "political decision" to which the majority party of the coalition government committed itself and which will be developed through an organic law, reports Servimedia.

Sánchez, on the other hand, has limited the transfer to issues such as the "ordering" and "social integration" of people from other countries. "I think it is extraordinary news that the autonomous communities want to strengthen their participation in everything that has to do with migration policy," he stressed.