Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 1 (Xinhua) -- The second issue of Qiushi magazine published on January 15 will publish an important article by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, entitled "Complete, Accurate, and Comprehensive Implementation of the Important Thoughts on Doing a Good Job in the Party's United Front Work in the New Era."

The article stresses that the united front is an important component of the party's general line and general policy, and has played an important role in different historical periods of China's revolution, construction, and reform. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party has coordinated the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world unseen in a century, made comprehensive arrangements for the united front work from the strategic height of governance, and promoted the united front work to achieve historic achievements.

The article points out that the greatest achievement of united front work in the new era is that in practice an important idea on doing a good job in the party's united front work in the new era has been formed, and a series of new concepts, new ideas, and new strategies have been put forward for strengthening and improving united front work. In summary, there are 12 aspects. First, we must give full play to the role of the united front as an important magic weapon. The united front is an important magic weapon for the party to defeat the enemy, govern and rejuvenate the country, and unite all the sons and daughters of China at home and abroad to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Now, united front work is not outdated and unimportant, but even more important. Second, we must solve the problem of people's hearts and strength. The support of the people and the balance of forces are the key to determining the success or failure of the cause of the party and the people, and it is the biggest politics. The essential requirement of united front work is great unity and great alliance, and what is solved is the problem of people's support and strength. Third, the relationship between consistency and diversity must be properly managed. The key is to persistently seek common ground while reserving differences, carry forward the fine tradition of "unity, criticism, and unity," seek consistency while respecting diversity, find the greatest common divisor, and draw the greatest concentric circles. Fourth, we must persist in developing and perfecting China's new-type political party system. The united front must uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and at the same time promote multi-party cooperation to show a new atmosphere, achieve new improvements in ideological consensus, and show new deeds in fulfilling their duties. Fifth, it is necessary to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation as the main line of the party's ethnic work. The sense of community of the Chinese nation is the foundation of national unity. It is necessary to unswervingly follow the correct path of resolving ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics, promote all ethnic groups to firmly identify with the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and guide the people of all ethnic groups to firmly establish the community concept of sharing weal and woe, weal and woe, life and death, and destiny. Sixth, we must persist in the direction of sinicization of religion in our country. Comprehensively implement the Party's theories, principles, and policies on religious work in the new era, and actively guide religion to adapt to socialist society. Seventh, it is necessary to do a good job in the united front work of non-party intellectuals and personages of the new social strata. To do a good job in the work of intellectuals outside the party, full respect is the premise, strengthening guidance is the key, and playing a role is the goal. People from the new social strata are the builders of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is necessary to organize them, strengthen guidance, and play a role. Eighth, it is necessary to promote the healthy development of the non-public economy and the healthy growth of people in the non-public economy. Promoting the healthy development of the non-public economy and the healthy growth of people in the non-public economy is a major economic issue as well as a major political issue. It is necessary to carry out in-depth education on ideals and beliefs, promote the construction of pro-Qing political and business relations, promote the high-quality development of the private economy, and guide people in the non-public economy to become qualified builders of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Ninth, it is necessary to bring into play the role of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas united front work in winning the hearts and minds of the people. Develop and strengthen the forces of patriotism, Hong Kong and Macao, safeguard the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao, and ensure the steady and successful implementation of "one country, two systems". Implement the Party's overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era, develop and strengthen Taiwan's patriotic reunification forces, oppose "Taiwan independence" separatist acts, and promote the complete reunification of the motherland. Focusing on the theme of cohesion and cohesion to share the Chinese dream, we will actively guide overseas Chinese and their relatives to devote themselves to the modernization of the motherland and the great cause of peaceful reunification. Tenth, it is necessary to strengthen the building of the contingent of non-party representatives. It is necessary to step up training and improve quality, use and play a role in a scientific way, and focus on cultivating a number of non-party representatives who will cooperate closely with our party. <>. It is necessary to grasp the law governing the united front work. It is necessary to strengthen unity and ties with non-party personages, adhere to the principle of respecting, safeguarding, and taking care of the interests of allies, treat them with sincerity, emotion, reason, and help, and make a large number of friends outside the party who are kind-hearted for the party. Twelfth, it is necessary to strengthen the party's overall leadership over united front work. The united front is a united front under the leadership of the party, and it is necessary to ensure the party's overall leadership over the united front work. United front work is the work of the whole party, and it must be attached importance to by the whole party and done by everyone, so as to build a grand united front work pattern in which party committees exercise unified leadership, united front work departments take the lead in coordination, and relevant departments assume their own responsibilities.

The article stresses that the important idea of doing a good job in the party's united front work in the new era is the crystallization of the wisdom of the party's united front development history over the past century, and is the fundamental guideline for the united front work in the new era, and the whole party must completely, accurately, and comprehensively implement it. (ENDS)