When Per Johansson was about to present some article ideas to Svenska Dagbladet, he came to think of his social media feed. The algorithms seemed to want him to date. He came into contact with two women – Eve and Sofia. One thing they have in common – they are created by AI.

"They are very good at mimicking people. I danced under the stars and had dinner outdoors with Sofia. You write and tell us what you do," says Per Johansson.

Developed feelings for the AI personality

In his article in Svenska Dagbladet, Per Johansson writes that he did not think it was possible to have strong feelings for a robot.

"In the short term, there's probably a lot to get out of this. But in the long run, you'll probably be more lonely. You might stay at home to chat with your AI girlfriend instead of going out and meeting friends, or real dates, he says in SVT's Morgonstudion.

In the clip: Per Johansson talks about his experience dating an AI.