Analysis of the documents, which fell into the hands of the Russian military, made it possible to clarify the structure of the system created by the US administration for the global management of biological risks, Kirillov said.

The structure includes government agencies and private contractors, including enterprises of the so-called "big pharma".

"Through the executive authorities of the United States, a legislative framework is being formed for financing military biological research directly from the federal budget," Kirillov said, adding that funds from non-governmental organizations controlled by the leadership of the Democratic Party, including the investment funds of the Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros, and Biden, are attracted under state guarantees.

The main contractors of the Pentagon are Metabiota, Black & Veatch and CH2M HILL, which are entrusted with the construction of biological facilities and the supply of equipment, said the head of the NBC troops.

* The Open Society Foundation is an organization whose activities were recognized as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation by the decision of the Prosecutor General's Office dated 26.11.2015.