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Beach in the Maldives: Relations with India have been tense for some time

Photo: Matt Hunt / ZUMA Wire / IMAGO

The Maldives has called on India to end its military presence in the tropical island paradise. Dozens of military personnel must be withdrawn by March 15, President Mohamed Muizzu announced on Sunday. There was a corresponding meeting of representatives of both governments, the Foreign Ministry reported in Malé. Indian soldiers have so far helped to monitor the region, among other things.

Relations between the two countries have been tense for some time. The Asian superpowers India and China are vying for influence in the island state in the Indian Ocean. Recently elected President Muizzu is pro-Chinese and had promised to end the presence of Indian military personnel.

Most recently, Muizzu visited China to strengthen ties with the world's second-largest economy. On his return from Beijing, he took a swipe at India without directly mentioning the country: "We may be small, but that doesn't give you a license to harass us," the SunOnline newspaper quoted him as saying.

Previously, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tourism promotion of his own archipelago of Lakshadweep near the Maldives had also caused controversy on social networks. In the Maldives, which is heavily dependent on tourism, this led, among other things, to disrespectful statements by three deputy ministers, who were subsequently placed on leave. In India, Bollywood stars, well-known cricketers, politicians and a travel platform promoted the Indian islands and called for a boycott of the Maldives.
