Smoke covers the sky of Khan Yunis, which is under heavy bombardment by the occupation army (French)

The 101st day of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip witnessed a series of developments, the latest of which was announced by the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades regarding the fate of 3 prisoners that it had promised on Sunday evening, as well as the ignition of the front in the West Bank and the exchange of shelling between Hezbollah and the occupation, in addition to the tension in the Red Sea.


The al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), revealed that Israeli prisoners Yossi Sharabi and Tice Frisky were killed in Israeli army shelling on Gaza, while a captive survived.

On the humanitarian situation in Gaza, a spokesman for the Palestinian Red Crescent in the Gaza Strip said that the situation is very catastrophic due to the extreme cold and displacement conditions.

The Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council said that in 100 days, the people of Gaza have been exposed to one of the worst humanitarian crises of this century.

The head of the emergency department at Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital said the hospital was facing a health catastrophe due to lack of medicines, power cuts and fuel shortages.

Dozens were killed after targeting homes and tents of displaced people in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip and the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza City, and the Ministry of Health announced that the total number of martyrs exceeded 24,<>, more than two-thirds of them women and children.

Israeli statements

In terms of developments on the ground, Army Radio said that the 36th Division withdrew from the Gaza Strip, and three army divisions remained in the Strip: 3, 99 and 162.

The Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said the Israeli military estimated that the majority of Hamas fighters and leaders in Gaza were alive after 100 days of war.

In this context, the Israeli army announced that 18 officers and soldiers were wounded in the battles in the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours.

Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said this year would be a year of war and stressed that military pressure was the way to repatriate detainees, as demonstrations continued in front of the government headquarters and the Knesset to demand a prisoner exchange deal and the resignation of Netanyahu's government.

Tel Aviv

In Tel Aviv, an Israeli woman was killed and four seriously wounded and nine moderately wounded in a double stabbing and vehicular attack.

A preliminary investigation by Israeli police said a person stabbed a woman, seized her vehicle, and then ran over others in more than one location, noting that helicopters were chasing a relative of the suspect in the attack.

West Bank

In the occupied West Bank, 3 Palestinians were killed and dozens injured in clashes with the occupation forces, coinciding with statements by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant that a strong Palestinian Authority is an Israeli security interest.

In the same context, the occupation army decided to transfer the Dovdovan unit from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank in anticipation of an explosion there.

International Positions

Among the international positions, US President Joe Biden stressed that he looks forward to maintaining contacts with Qatar, Egypt and Israel to return Israeli detainees in Gaza.

The Washington Post quoted a US official as saying that the administration's priority has now shifted to tolerating the Israeli military operation throughout this month.

The senior official added that there was no point in urging Israelis to move to a less intense phase of the war on Gaza.

In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the war in Gaza continued to escalate and China called for a broader, more reliable and effective international peace conference and a concrete timetable for implementing the two-state solution.

Colombian President Gustavo Pietro said that "the massive massacre committed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against the people of Gaza was carried out by direct bombardment."

In turn, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said that Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian assured his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that the continued Israeli aggression on Gaza and Washington's intervention in the Red Sea and its attack on Yemen are increasing tension in the region.

Lebanese Front

On the northern front, the Israel Broadcasting Corporation reported that the Israeli army shelled sites in southern Lebanon from which shells were fired towards the town of Mitat in the Upper Galilee.

On the other hand, the Lebanese Hezbollah announced that its operatives targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers in the vicinity of the Mitat barracks (opposite the Lebanese town of Rmeish) with rockets, and the party confirmed that there were Israeli casualties.

Red Sea Front

In the Red Sea, a Yemeni military source told Al Jazeera that the forces of the Ansar Allah Houthi group targeted a ship in the Red Sea that was heading to Israel, noting that "the targeting came after the ship rejected the warnings directed at it."

U.S. Central Command confirmed the Houthis fired a ballistic missile and hit a U.S. container ship flying the Marshall Islands.

The Washington Post quoted U.S. officials as saying that the two U.S. soldiers missing in the Gulf of Aden since last Thursday were involved in an operation to search for an arms shipment bound for Yemen.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies