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Video duration 15 minutes 44 seconds 15:44

Military and strategic expert Major General Fayez al-Duwairi praised the videos of the Qassam Brigades – the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) – in documenting the course and developments of the battle of "Al-Aqsa Flood", expressing his admiration for the videos of the resistance, and its great impact on the Israeli interior.

During his analysis of Al Jazeera, Al-Duwairi stressed that the image is part of the battle because it conveys the facts and delivers messages expressing the truth of what is happening, wondering how to know what is happening "unless we watch these films and videos."

Speaking about the importance of the image, he added, "How can we witness the horror of the systematic Israeli destruction, forced displacement, and humiliation of civilians?" , pointing out that the street in the West moved because of these videos in light of the information revolution and skipping the censor's scissors.

As for the tunnel network and the occupation's talk about destroying it, the strategist recalled the recent speech of Qassam spokesman Abu Obeida, in which he mocked the Israeli army's claims about the destruction of the resistance's capabilities and tunnels.

He pointed out that the arrogance of the occupation and its sense of superiority "blinded his eyesight, which allowed the attack to take place."

Al-Duwairi acknowledged the discovery of the occupation and its destruction of some tunnels, but the question that remains puzzling revolves around what the network is, how to design it, whether it leads to each other, and whether the manufacturing tunnels are connected to the network of offensive or defensive tunnels, again describing it as "an unresolved black box."

Al-Duwairi listed the types of resistance tunnels in Gaza, including defensive and offensive, as well as tunnels built for meetings, manufacturing and sleepovers.

He referred to the various attempts of the occupation to deal with them, such as dumping and the use of robots and trained dogs, stressing that the specialized unit of the Israeli army suffered from the traps of the resistance, especially the tunnel openings, as it suffered heavy human losses.

He pointed out that some reports spoke of the presence of tunnels in Gaza of three layers and at a depth of more than 3 meters, while the highest impact of depth bombs and concussion bombs ranges between 80 and 15 meters only.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies