Vladimir Putin called it a common task to support the families of servicemen who died during the NWO. The President said this as part of an address to the participants, organizers and guests of the forum of veterans of the NWO "Together We Will Win".

"Our common task is to support the families of fallen comrades-in-arms, consistently strengthen the entire system of social guarantees for participants in the special military operation, and increase the effectiveness of medical care and rehabilitation programs," the Kremlin press service said in an appeal.

The President also stressed that the key priority is to create conditions for the military returning from the front line to be able to fully realize themselves in sectors of the economy, in business, in government bodies of all levels, as well as in local self-government.

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"I would like to emphasize the importance of the participation of veterans in the upbringing of young people, in the promotion of popular volunteer, educational, enlightenment and humanitarian projects and initiatives," Putin added.

The All-Russian Forum "Together We Will Win" is held from January 14 to 17 in the Patriot Park. More than 400 participants of the special operation from 89 regions of Russia are taking part in it. According to the organizers, the purpose of the forum is to integrate the heroes of the NWO into public and state projects.

Putin met with relatives of those killed in the NWO

On the eve of Christmas, Putin held a meeting with the families of servicemen who died during the NWO. The President invited the relatives of the servicemen to his residence in Novo-Ogarevo.

The head of state stressed that the meeting should be a "clear signal" for all government officials in Russia at all levels.

"It is a clear signal that my colleagues, I repeat, at any level of government and management, should always be by your side, so that you always feel next to you people who can support, help, and come to the rescue if needed. And life is complicated and diverse – there are always cases, they often arise when you need support from the outside. I hope that this will be the case," Putin said.

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The President noted that at this moment many Russian men are defending the interests of the Motherland with weapons in their hands.

"Now I will not talk about very delicate, difficult, perhaps, things on the eve of the holiday that concern your families. But I want to assure you once again that we will always be by your side," Putin concluded.

"We do what we think is necessary"

Earlier, the president said that Russia does not intend to abandon the achievement of the goals set within the framework of the NWO. At an expanded meeting of the Defense Ministry's board on December 19, Putin stressed that the collective West continues to adhere to the strategy of containing Russia and its aggressive goals in Ukraine.

Along with this, Putin drew attention to the advantage of the Russian military on the line of contact.

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"Basically, we do what we think is right. Where necessary, where you, commanders, generally consider it expedient to adhere to the tactics of active defense, this is what happens, and where necessary, we improve our positions," the president explained.

As the head of state noted, all attempts to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia "were shattered by the courage and resilience of our soldier."