Israeli soldier Ron Sherman killed in Gaza (social media)

The mother of Israeli soldier Ron Sherman, who was killed in Gaza after being captured in the October 7 attack, questioned the account of the Israeli army, which told her that he was killed by the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas.

Ma'ayan Sherman, the mother of the slain soldier, told Israel's Channel 12, "Who killed him, how, and what caused the killing? According to the coroner, his body was found intact, there were no signs of beating, no injuries, no gunshot wounds and no CT scans performed on him."

"Did the Israeli army sabotage oxygen generators in order to eliminate everyone who was in the tunnels in Jabalia, including the kidnappers? How many days do you starve, thirst or suffer from lack of oxygen? Why didn't they try to save him if he was left there?"

The mother of the slain soldier expressed her anger at the Israeli government and its behavior, saying, "I have paid the price for the chaos, strength and pride of everyone who headed the government of default, whose members are now also busy spraying coalition funds in unnecessary offices staffed by greedy and unnecessary people, rather than helping those who really need it."

"We were hoping that Benny Gantz, to whom we voted in the elections, would save our son's life, but we were wrong."

She continued: "Before the memorial service, there was a certain insistence by the Ministry of Defense to write 'fell into battle' on the grave, so I asked what the battle was? They said it was to honor the dead, and I didn't agree, of course, because Ron didn't fall into battle."

The Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, earlier released a video of three Israeli prisoners held by Hamas, which it said were killed by Israeli army weapons in the Gaza Strip, and the video showed photos of the three prisoners, Elijah Toledano, Nick Beers, and Ron Sherman.

The release of the video came days after the military admitted to an Israeli on December 15 that it had "mistakenly killed 3 Israeli prisoners" in Gaza, an incident that sparked outrage within Israeli society.

This is not the first time that the Qassam Brigades has announced the killing of Israeli prisoners held by the Palestinian resistance by Israeli fire since the start of the war on the Gaza Strip.

The number of Israeli detainees in Gaza confirmed by the Israeli army has reached 22 out of about 250 people, according to AFP.

On October 7, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) launched an unprecedented attack on the settlements surrounding Gaza, called "Al-Aqsa Flood" in response to the occupation's violations against Palestinian civilians and their holy sites, and the resistance succeeded in killing and capturing hundreds of Israelis.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies