During the week, both the opposition and debaters have criticized the government's statements that there may be a war. In SVT's Agenda, Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin (M) is asked how concrete the threat to Sweden is.

"It has been said for a long time that an armed attack on Sweden cannot be ruled out. On the contrary, it means that there may be a war in Sweden and that is something that we all need to internalize and take with us, says Bohlin to SVT's Agenda.

"Has a window of opportunity"

According to the Swedish Armed Forces, the risk of an armed attack on Sweden remains low. This is a picture that the government, despite the statements, shares, says Bohlin.

"What we are saying is that we currently have a window of opportunity to build up our preparedness on a par with the serious global situation that currently prevails and which may continue to deteriorate.

MSB requests SEK 10 billion

Civil defence was largely dismantled after the Cold War, and according to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), at least SEK 10 billion per year would be needed today to cope with the initial consequences of a war or crisis.

That is more than the government is investing this year. Listen to Carl-Oskar Bohlin answer SVT's questions in the video.