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Duration 04 minutes 24 seconds 04:24

Arab activists have directed their anger at the United States over attacks by American fighter jets on positions belonging to the Ansar Allah Houthi group in response to their attacks against Israeli ships in the Red Sea.

The US Central Command announced that the joint strikes were carried out with the support of Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and Bahrain, to weaken the capabilities of the Ansar Allah Houthi group to target international ships in the Red Sea.

Ansar Allah said the shelling targeted al-Dailami Air Base, north of Sanaa, the vicinity of Hodeidah airport, Kahlan camp in Saada in the north, Abs airport in Hajjah governorate, and other areas.

On (2024/1/14), Shabaat monitored some comments by tweeters on social media platforms on these strikes, in which activists went to express their anger at the American and British position in support of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, while others questioned the ability of these strikes to prevent the Houthis from targeting ships linked to Israel.

In this context, activist Imad al-Yamani tweeted, "Whoever thinks that America will change our position on the Palestinian issue is delusional, because Yemen stood with the right, and America stood with falsehood."

Activist Darwish attacked the US position, saying, "America does not want justice to be achieved through any means, it does not want Yemen to strangle Israel economically until the genocide in Gaza stops, and it does not want brotherly South Africa to try Israel before the International Court of Justice to be held accountable and stop its crime."

Amin also accused Washington of fighting a war on behalf of Israel, tweeting: "America is leading a proxy war in Yemen for Israel. It was not the American ships that were targeted, nor was Britain either, but only by the Houthis clearly declared by Israel, and here is America attacking Yemen as a sovereign state."

On the other hand, activist "MR" questioned the positions of countries, saying, "Everything that is happening in Yemen is just a play whose heroes are America, Europe, Israel, Iran and the Houthis, and they think that we do not know about that."

For their part, lawmakers in the US Congress accused US President Joe Biden of violating Article I of the Constitution because he ordered the strikes without congressional approval. They tweeted to that effect, including Palestinian-born Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib, Democratic Representative Cory Bush, and Democratic Representative Ro Khanna.

It is noteworthy that the US Central Command said that it targeted radar systems, air defense systems, storage and launch sites for drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, while the military spokesman for the Ansar Allah Houthi group, Yahya Saree, vowed to respond to these raids.

Source : Al Jazeera