In the autumn of 2021, the Public Health Agency of Sweden announced that Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine would be stopped for all people born in 1991 and later. The vaccine increases the risk of side effects such as inflammation of the heart muscle or pericardium.

Yet it was precisely the stopped vaccine that 30-year-old Pontus Sevius ingested when he took the shot in February 2022. A few days later Pontus died. Since then, his family has been searching for answers to what happened, while wrestling with various authorities.

Pontus' case was taken up in the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency

On four occasions, the matter has been taken up by the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency, the authority that acts as the state administration's insurance company. The first three times, it was the same insurance doctor who said that Pontus had not died because of the vaccine.

But the fourth time, with a different insurance doctor, the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency concluded that it was certain that Moderna's vaccine against covid-19 caused Pontus' death.

"It feels both good and bad. It makes you happy that you get the answer on a piece of paper, but it also makes you sad about the situation that it had to be that way," says Malin Olofsson, mother of Pontus' partner Michaela Olofsson.

The partner and daughter will receive SEK 30,000 each

Relatives can receive a standard compensation of SEK 30,000 per person for grief and loss, something that Pontus' family does not think helps much.

"I think it's a complete joke. But there is no money in the world that can replace a person," says Michaela Olofsson.