Europe 1 19:27 p.m., January 12, 2024

This week, the Table des Bons Vivants takes a look at recipes that help fight against food waste. The star chef of social networks, Chef N'Zem offers you to make homemade gnocchi, with a chicken-parmesan sauce. An anti-waste recipe that costs you only 2 euros!

Chicken parmesan gnocchi for less than 2 euros from Chef N'Zem


- 300 gr cooked potatoes

- 1 egg

- 60 g flour

- 20 cl whipping cream

- 100 g Parmesan cheese

- 200 gr diced chicken cutlet

Mash the hot potato and mix it with the flour then the egg and a pinch of salt.

Shape gnocchi into small balls.

Throw in a pot of boiling salted water - Meanwhile, sear the diced chicken in a frying pan, season with salt and pepper.

Add the cream and grated Parmesan, mix and turn off the heat

Plunge the gnocchi into the boiling water and when they rise, place them in the pan with half a cup of the cooking water.

Season with pepper and serve, with a few shavings of raw mushrooms if available.