The U.S. Department of Defense announced that it held discussions between defense officials following the agreement reached at the recent U.S.-China summit. It is also believed that there is an aim to improve the environment for the U.S.-China defense ministers' meeting, which has not been held since November.

The U.S. Department of Defense issued a statement on the 9th, and for two days until the 9th, the Pentagon held talks between defense officials to avoid accidental clashes between the U.S. and Chinese militaries, with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Chase on the U.S. side and Song Yanchase, deputy director of the International Military Cooperation Office of the Central Military Commission on the Chinese side, attending.

During the talks, Deputy Assistant Secretary Chase noted that China has repeatedly harassed Philippine vessels operating legally in the South China Sea, and emphasized the importance of respecting freedom of navigation guaranteed by international law.

At the summit meeting in November last year, the U.S. and China agreed to resume dialogue between defense officials, which had been suspended after then-House Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan in August, and this meeting is one of them.

The leaders of the United States and China have also agreed to resume the U.S.-China Defense Ministers' Meeting, which has not been held since November, and the talks are expected to be aimed at improving the environment for the talks.

China's Ministry of Defense also announced the talks

China's Ministry of Defense also announced on the 10th that it would hold talks between defense officials with the United States.

According to the report, the Chinese side rebuked the U.S. side, emphasizing that "there can never be any compromise or concession, and urges the United States to strictly adhere to the principle of 'one China,' stop providing weapons to Taiwan, and oppose 'Taiwan independence.'"

He called on the U.S. side to change its behavior in the South China Sea, saying, "We urge the United States to reduce its military deployment and provocative actions in the South China Sea and to stop supporting other countries for infringement of their rights and interests and provocations."