It was in December that P4 Blekinge reported that the municipality of Sölvesborg was being investigated for suspected bribery and that politicians and officials for several years had received free tickets to Sweden Rock Festival.

But the information turned out not to be correct, as the municipality had an agreement with the festival and paid for the tickets.

Now the prosecutor chooses to close the preliminary investigation, BLT reports.

"I have come to the conclusion that it is not an undue benefit because the municipality has paid. There are no free tickets. That's what I wanted to check out," said Arne Fors, prosecutor, to the newspaper.

Municipal auditors missed agreements

The background to the investigation was that three out of five municipal auditors chose to report the municipality to the police, as according to them it was a matter of "unofficial agreements" between the municipality and the festival, which the municipal management "kept a lid on over the years".

But SVT Nyheter Blekinge was later able to show that the municipal auditors had not read the actual and official agreements. The three municipal auditors were later reported to the Municipal Council Presidium by Municipal Manager Lars Ericsson.