"It seems necessary to amend the federal law "On Veterans" in terms of the procedure for awarding the title "Veteran of Labor", according to which labor veterans will also be persons with a labor (insurance) experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women in socially significant professions, the list of which will be established by the Russian government," the appeal says.

The legislator noted that at the moment, Russian legislation establishes the right of persons to be awarded the honorary title "Veteran of Labor" at the federal level, which provides for a number of benefits for conscientious long-term work.

For example, labour veterans may be persons who have accumulated sufficient length of service – at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women, or who have the length of service necessary for the assignment of a pension, if they have been awarded orders or medals of the USSR or Russia, have been awarded honorary titles of the USSR or Russia, have been awarded certificates of honour from the President of Russia or have been awarded his gratitude, have been awarded departmental insignia for merits in labour and long-term work for at least 15 years. Lantratova specified.

In addition, she noted that citizens who began to work as minors during the Great Patriotic War and have at least 40 years of experience for a pension for men and 35 years for women have the right to obtain a certificate.

Also, the honorary title "Veteran of Labor" can be awarded in the constituent entities of Russia, provided that the candidate has awards at the regional level and the necessary work experience.

The deputy recalled that measures of social support for labor veterans are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of Russia. For example, in some regions, labor veterans can receive monthly cash payments, compensation for rent and utilities, discounted travel tickets, etc.

It should be taken into account that the honorary title "Veteran of Labor" has great historical significance and was established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 18, 1974 "On the medal "Veteran of Labor", Lantratova emphasized.

At the same time, as she added, the title "Veteran of Labor" was awarded according to the following order: "The medal is awarded to workers, collective farmers and employees in recognition of their labor merits upon reaching the length of service necessary for the assignment of a pension for seniority or old age."

The title "Veteran of Labor" was established to reward workers, primarily for many years of conscientious work in the national economy. However, according to the deputy, today the concept of assigning this status has changed and lost its historical continuity. At present, the presence of orders, medals, titles of the USSR or Russia, certificates of honor or gratitude of the President of the country is of paramount importance when awarding an award.

This concept contradicts the original principle of awarding the title of "Veteran of Labor", violates historical continuity and is unfair, since it deprives people who have worked for at least 35-40 years in socially significant sectors of the economy, but for some reason did not receive special distinctions for their activities, Lantratova noted.

Earlier, a bill was introduced to the State Duma with a proposal to establish July 1 as a memorable date - the Day of Combat Veterans.