Russia's military invasion of Ukraine continues.

Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to fight in various parts of Ukraine, and many civilians are fleeing the country. We will update you on the situation in Ukraine on the 10th (Japan time), including the situation of the battle and the diplomacy of the countries concerned.

(There is a 7-hour time difference between Japan and Ukraine, and 6 hours with Moscow, Russia.)

table of contents

  • Russian Defense Minister Insists 'Maintaining Strategic Initiative'

  • Ukraine: Missile strikes on Russian military facilities in Crimea

table of contents

table of contents

  • Russian Defense Minister Insists 'Maintaining Strategic Initiative'

  • Ukraine: Missile strikes on Russian military facilities in Crimea

Russian Defense Minister Insists 'Maintaining Strategic Initiative'

Russian Defense Minister Shoigu claimed in a meeting with military commanders on the 9th that the Ukrainian army has lost more than 1,21 soldiers and more than 5000,2 weapons in the past year, and that it is "steadily reducing the strength of the Ukrainian army."

"On the front lines, we maintain our strategic lead," he said, stressing that Russian forces are taking the initiative and gaining the upper hand in the battle.

In addition, Defense Minister Shoigu said, 'It is important to maintain the combat readiness of the three pillars of nuclear weapons at the highest level,' and ICBMs that can carry nuclear weapons = intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarines, and strategic bombers.

Ukraine: Missile strikes on Russian military facilities in Crimea

The Ukrainian military has recently stepped up its military operations in southern Crimea, which has been annexed by Russia, and on the 4th of this month, it attacked Russian military facilities in Crimea with missiles.

On the 9th, the British Ministry of Defense pointed out that it is extremely likely that this attack reduced the air defense capability of the Russian army over Crimea.

In addition, the fact that the Russian army was attacked despite strengthening its readiness has once again exposed the ineffectiveness of the air defense capabilities of the Russian army that protects the main bases, and the air defense posture of the Russian army has become vulnerable.