Mali: Tabital Pulaaku association warns of attacks on Fulani villages near Ségou

Since 23 December, several villages in the Ké-Macina circle, near Ségou, have been subjected to recurrent attacks by Dozo hunters in Mali. According to the testimonies collected, the Fulani population is particularly targeted to the point that the association of Friends of Fulani Culture, Tabital Pulaaku, calls on the Malian transitional authorities to put an end to these abuses and exactions by citizens against other citizens.

Troops not far from Ségou. (Illustrative image) Reuters/François Rihouay

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There have been at least three attacks in three weeks in this area of Ké-Macina.

The first, on 23 December, according to testimonies collected by RFI Fulfulde, resulted in at least seven civilian casualties among the villagers of Wouro Yero.

On January 2, the village of Boura saw the arrest of 24 men by Dozo hunters. A few days later, 17 bodies of the same men were found in the area.

Finally, this weekend, it was again Dozos who attacked the village of Kalala-Fulani, according to a modus operandi described to us by this surviving resident:


Last Saturday morning, Dozo hunters attacked the village while we were praying. They shot at people, killing 13 people: ten men and three women. I have many relatives among the victims: my uncle who was the chief of the village, a nephew, a cousin, an aunt, a son of my mother's sister and my grandson who was only seven years old. I was in the mosque, but I managed to escape, most of the men were killed in front of the mosque."

The Tabital Pulaaku Mali association, which has warned about these repeated attacks, particularly against the Fulani community, has launched an appeal to the Bamako authorities to put an end to these abuses against the civilian population.

More innocent people arrested and killed. When will it end?

— Tabital Pulaaku Official (@TabitalO) January 5, 2024

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