Today the program for the 47th film festival in Gothenburg was released and as usual there is a lot of film that is screened during 10 days in February. Around 250 films from around 80 countries will be screened between 26 January and 4 February.

AI and Bergman

This year's festival focus is AI, here a paraphrase of Another intelligence.

"It's our way of investigating the relationship between film and society to the new AI technology. Among other things, we have made an AI adaptation of Ingmar Bergman's classic film "Persona" where we use AI technology to let Alma Pöysti make a new interpretation of the role that Liv Ullman played in the original, says Jonas Holmberg, the festival's artistic director.

Lightsaber swingers praised

Another of the films Jonas Holmberg is looking forward to is the inaugural film "The Handling of the Undead", Thea Hvistendahl's film adaptation of John Ajvide Lindqvist's novel. But also paying tribute to this year's honorary award winner Ewan McGregor will be a highlight.

"He has done everything from 'Trainspotting' to swinging his lightsaber in 'Star Wars' and many other fantastic roles, and he is coming to Gothenburg to present his film 'Mother, Couch' but also to receive the honorary award and participate in a longer conversation," says Jonas Holmberg.