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Video duration 18 minutes 35 seconds 18:35

Military and strategic expert Maj. Gen. Fayez al-Duwairi said that the investigation that concluded that an Israeli tank was behind the explosion of the ammunition truck in the central Gaza Strip confirms the failure of the occupation leaders to read the military scene as the war enters its fourth month.

During his military analysis of Al Jazeera, al-Duwairi explained that transporting 30 Israeli officers and soldiers on a truck loaded with explosives is unparalleled stupidity, stressing that explosives cannot be transported with soldiers in military custom.

He pointed out that the person who fired the shell is obsessed, indicating that the commander of the tank - an officer - is haunted by terror, as happened when the occupation army killed 3 of his prisoners who spoke Hebrew.

In an attempt to clarify the scene further, the military expert asked, "Does the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), have a military truck carrying fighters?" , before replying that they were "fighting personnel coming out of the tunnels."

He added that the Israeli tanks are equipped with the latest technology in the event of movement, as they have the ability to aim while the shell follows the target, stressing that what is happening is an insult and an appeal to the competence of the Israeli army.

Al-Duwairi indicated that he expected – before the preliminary investigation of the occupation army – that the truck had been targeted by one of the Qassam fighters who came out of the tunnels and found a valuable catch, adding that the ratio of the event to the Qassam would have been more honorable to the Israeli army than the results of its initial investigation.

He expressed his conviction that the figures of dead and wounded announced by Israel "cannot represent the truth," because there is a discrepancy between the IDF's data and the Walla website, which is close to the army itself.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation reported that 6 of the military – who were announced killed today – were killed in the explosion of a truck containing explosive materials intended to destroy tunnels in Gaza, while Israeli media reported that 30 officers and soldiers were injured in the explosion.

Source : Al Jazeera