Millions of views and thousands of comments can be seen on the social media platform Tiktok, where videos have been spread that Sweden should prepare for war. This is after both Supreme Commander Micael Bydén and Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin highlighted that there is a risk that there will be a war in Sweden during the Society and Defence conference.

In the national helpline for children, more calls than usual have been about concerns about war, according to Bris.

"Many children have a basic anxiety that was made worse by this news," says Magnus Jägerskog, Secretary General of Bris, in a press release.

Children express concern

In the comment fields, the children's concerns are noticeable, something that SVT's Lilla Aktuellt picked up. And it's not the first time it's happened.

"We have seen this concern since Russia invaded Ukraine and it has escalated at times, like now. Last time, we had a chat open for several days with experts and psychologists to talk to children about this, says Lilla Aktuellt's reporter Lizette Edfeldt.

In November, Bris released its annual municipal survey in which municipalities were asked to rate how well they live up to children's rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The survey shows, among other things, that only 12 percent of the municipalities have structured working methods to involve children in crisis preparedness and civil defense.

Listen to Lilla Aktuellt's reporter talk about what kind of comments they get and how they handle it in the clip above.