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The Israeli army began investigating on Tuesday the explosion that occurred in a truck loaded with explosives in the central Gaza Strip, killing 6 soldiers and wounding 30 others, according to Hebrew media.

Six IDF soldiers were killed in the Gaza Strip by a truck loaded with explosives belonging to them in al-Bureij refugee camp (center), according to an army statement, while the Walla website reported that the number of wounded in the same explosion was 6 soldiers.

The truck exploded as soldiers prepared to blow up a tunnel in the Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip on Monday.

Israeli Army Radio said Tuesday evening that "in connection with the disaster of the explosion of explosive materials in Bureij, the army is investigating whether Israeli tank fire caused the massive explosion."

Safety rules

The state broadcaster said the military's assessment was related to the safety rules of Israeli forces.

Another possibility investigated was that a tank fired at a nearby building, igniting explosives, it said.

Earlier on Tuesday, the broadcaster said the military was still unable to determine whether the explosion in the truck and in the tunnel the soldiers wanted to destroy was caused by an uncontrolled explosion of explosives, or because the explosives placed in the tunnel were ignited uncontrollably by a spark or charge that was there.

The Israeli military also announced, in separate statements Tuesday, that nine soldiers were killed, including the six killed in the explosion.

Source : Anadolu Agency