A 62-year-old man choked to death this Saturday, January 6 and Three Kings Day, when he was eating at the Palacio de Canedo, a Prada a Tope hotel establishment located in the León municipality of Arganza.

As reported to EFE by the 112 emergency service of Castilla, at 15:13 p.m. a notice was received requesting assistance for a diner who was in the aforementioned establishment and had suffered an episode of choking.

The Civil Guard was activated and a mobile ICU was sent to the scene of the incident, whose staff could only certify the death of the affected person.

The restaurant is well known in the area. Its owner, José Luis Prada a Tope is considered a visionary in the El Bierzo region, where he was the pioneer of the Bierzo Designation of Origin, promoter of wine, and first president of the Denomination of Origin.

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