Vladimir Putin assured the families of the heroes of the special military operation of their support. The head of state spoke about this during a meeting with the families of servicemen who died during the NWO.

On Christmas Eve, the president invited family members of the heroes of the NWO to his residence in Novo-Ogarev. According to Putin, this meeting should be a "clear signal" for all representatives of the authorities in Russia at all levels.

"It is a clear signal that my colleagues, I repeat, at any level of government and management, should always be by your side, so that you always feel next to you people who can support, help, and come to the rescue if needed. And life is complicated and diverse – there are always cases, they often arise when you need support from the outside. I hope that this will be the case," Putin said.

The head of state noted that at this moment many Russian men are defending the interests of the Motherland with weapons in their hands.

"Now I will not talk about very delicate, difficult, perhaps, things on the eve of the holiday that concern your families. But I want to assure you once again that we will always be by your side," Putin concluded.

After the conversation, the head of state invited family members of the heroes of the NWO to a festive dinner, after which they attended the Christmas service in the Church of the Savior of the Image Not-Made-by-Hands.

Merry Christmas Greetings

The President also delivered a message in which he congratulated Orthodox Christians and all Russian citizens celebrating Christmas. According to him, this holiday unites millions of people around the ideals of goodness, mercy and justice.

"These unshakable values play a special role in the history of our country, for centuries they have served as a reliable spiritual and moral support for society," the message says.

The President also noted that the Russian Orthodox Church and other Christian denominations in Russia are making a huge contribution to preserving the rich historical and cultural heritage, strengthening the institution of the family and the patriotic education of the younger generation in Russia.

"And, of course, the efforts of religious organizations aimed at supporting our heroes – participants in the special military operation, residents of Donbass and Novorossiya – deserve deep, sincere respect," the president added.

Putin on the progress of the NWO

On December 19, at the annual meeting of the expanded board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin spoke about the special military operation. According to him, Russia does not intend to abandon the goals set within the framework of the NWO, given that the West continues to adhere to the strategy of containing Russia and its aggressive goals in Ukraine.

The President also spoke about the situation on the line of contact, noting the advantage of the Russian Armed Forces. According to him, the initiative belongs to the Russian military.

"Basically, we do what we think is right. Where necessary, where you, commanders, generally consider it expedient to adhere to the tactics of active defense, this is what happens, and where necessary, we improve our positions," the president explained.

As the head of state noted, all attempts to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia "were shattered by the courage and resilience of our soldier."