More than 60 shells were fired by North Korea near the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong on Saturday (Jan. 6), the South Korean military said. The launches come a day after a first salvo from Pyongyang, which triggered Seoul's response with a live-ammunition exercise in the region.

"North Korean forces fired more than 60 shells" near Yeonpyeong Island "between 16 p.m. and 17 p.m. approximately" (7 GMT-8), the South Korean military's general staff said, warning Pyongyang against further firing.

On Friday, North Korea fired more than 200 shells into the Yellow Sea near the two South Korean islands of Yeonpyeong and Baengnyeong, located just south of the de facto maritime border between the two countries.

Yeonpyeong, which has a population of about 2,000, is located about 115 kilometers west of Seoul and about 4 kilometers south of the North Korean coast. Also very close to North Korea, Baengnyeong, population 900,210, is about <> kilometers west of the South Korean capital.

There were no casualties or damage from Friday's shooting, according to Seoul. Residents had been ordered to go to shelters and ferry services connecting the islands to the rest of South Korea had been suspended.

Kim Jong-un's bellicose statements

It was the biggest escalation on the peninsula since the North Korean military bombed Yeonpyeong in 2010 in response to a South Korean live-ammunition drill near the border. This was North Korea's first attack on civilians since the Korean War (1950-1953) and left four people dead, two military personnel and two civilians. The artillery duel had lasted about an hour, with each side firing some 200 shells.

The new escalation comes after a flurry of bellicose statements by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who in recent days has threatened to "annihilate" South Korea and the United States.

Both on Saturday and Friday, North Korean shells landed in one of the buffer zones created in 2018 as part of an agreement between the two neighbors to prevent border military incidents. All firing with live ammunition was prohibited in these areas.

But Seoul partially suspended the deal last November in protest at Pyongyang's launch of a spy satellite, and the North rejected the entire deal soon after.

A 'threat to peace on the Korean Peninsula'

South Korea's military said Saturday that North Korea's "repeated" artillery fire in the area "poses a threat to peace on the Korean Peninsula." It issued a "stern warning" and called on North Korea to immediately cease its launches, assuring that "in response, our military will take appropriate measures to safeguard the country."

"North Korea, after announcing the complete cancellation of the September 19 military agreement, continues to threaten our citizens with continuous artillery fire inside the zone prohibiting hostile acts," the army insisted.

North Korea said on Friday that its shelling near the two islands was "a natural response and countermeasure" to Seoul's military drills, according to the official KCNA news agency.

South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik denounced "a provocative act that threatens peace on the Korean Peninsula and aggravates tensions." The South Korean military will take "immediate, strong and definitive retaliatory measures – we must support peace with overwhelming force," he added.

North Korea, in turn, ordered South Korea not to "commit provocation under the pretext of a so-called countermeasure," according to the KCNA news agency. She threatened a "hard countermeasure to an unprecedented level."

China, an ally of North Korea, called on "all sides to remain calm and restricted." Washington, for its part, called on North Korea "to refrain from any further destabilizing and provocative actions, and to resume diplomacy."

At the end of December, Kim Jong-un ordered the acceleration of military preparations for a "war" that could "be started at any time".

Last year, North Korea enshrined its status as a nuclear power in its constitution and fired several intercontinental ballistic missiles, in violation of UN resolutions.

The two Koreas have been technically at war since the end of the conflict on the peninsula in 1953, which ended in an armistice and not a peace treaty.

With AFP

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