Mona Pahle Bjerke began studying art history in 2003 and has worked for many years as an art critic at NRK.

Now she has listed ten must-see art exhibitions in 2024 and the list includes three Sámi artists in Anders Sunna, Iver Jåks and Britta Marakatt-Labba.

Sunna is first out and between January 13 and February 11 you can see Sunna's exhibition "We scream in the woods" in Lilleström.

"It is exciting to see how Sunna creates her paintings in a field of tension between something artistic and something activist," Bjerke writes.

"Loved in all camps"

Then, in connection with Bodø being the European Capital of Culture, you can enjoy the work of the Norwegian-Sami cartoonist Iver Jåk between 10 February and 30 March.

"He developed a universal Sámi modernism that was loved in all camps. He was constantly searching for new lessons and new growth as a spiritual man and as an artist," Bjerke writes.

"It's exciting to see his expression today, how he was a bridge-builder who balanced his design language between the Sámi heritage and the Western, modernist art regime."

"Very exciting"

Bjerke also highlights Britta Marakatt-Labba's exhibition "Sylkvasse sting".

The Swedish-Sámi textile artist will exhibit his embroidery between March 15 and August 25 at the National Museum in Oslo.

"She is considered one of Sápmi's foremost, depicting Sámi culture and history through embroidery. I think it will be very exciting to experience the full breadth of her artistry on a national stage," Bjerke writes.