Minister Matsumoto revealed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters will have about 600 support staff for disaster-stricken municipalities.

In his remarks, Minister Matsumoto stated, "We will dispatch staff from 11 prefectures and municipalities in Chubu, Kansai, and Kanto to the 34 cities and towns affected by the disaster in Ishikawa Prefecture, and we are preparing for the dispatch of a total of 1 people, including about 130 people in Wajima City and about 140 people in Suzu City, as the first batch."

In addition, he said, "In preparation for the increase in the number of personnel and the prolongation of support in the future, I would like you to cooperate with local governments nationwide and take measures to promptly dispatch staff, and I will also contact the heads of local governments nationwide so that they can provide prompt and long-term support."

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi: "We will do our utmost to save lives and rescue operations with human lives first"

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi said at a press conference, "The Self-Defense Forces, police, and fire departments will continue to do their utmost to save lives and rescue operations, putting human lives first. The government will make concerted efforts to ensure that supplies reach the hands of the victims."

He also urged people to refrain from bringing supplies directly to the affected areas, as traffic congestion may interfere with life-saving activities.