Video: 2023, My Memories of China|Swedish Scholar: Chinese Modernization and the Development of Human Rights Have Achieved Outstanding Achievements Source: China News Network, Beijing, December 12 (Xue Lingqiao, Meng Xiangjun) 30 will come to an end, Stephen Brawer, director of the Swedish "Belt and Road" Research Institute, said in a recent interview with China News Network that looking back on the past year, the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative has benefited development at home and abroad; In addition, China has also actively participated in international affairs and facilitated the Saudi-Iranian peace talks. Looking ahead to 2023, he expressed his expectation that China's chips, space programs, and nuclear fusion power generation will develop new technological innovation momentum, and hope that it will inject new connotations into the Belt and Road Initiative.

China 2023: Cooperation and development are important themes

2023 marks the <>th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. Talking about this topic, Brauer said that the Belt and Road Initiative has been successful in promoting and encouraging many countries around the world to participate in infrastructure construction.

As for the tangible achievements of the Belt and Road Initiative, at the High-level Forum on Global Human Rights Governance held in June 2023, Brower shared with the guests the fact that China's promotion of its own development and a series of measures to promote global development through the Belt and Road Initiative are the most powerful proof of its human rights development. He further said that the Chinese people are satisfied with the development of society and the opportunities it has created. This is because the Chinese government is committed to eradicating poverty, improving domestic infrastructure, and increasing the degree of modernization.

Copywriter: Xue Lingqiao Drawing: Chen Shankun

Through field visits, Brower has witnessed China's rapid development firsthand over the past year. He said that he attended the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China and visited Guangdong, Xinjiang and other places. He pointed out that he was deeply impressed by the development of many Chinese cities such as Shenzhen, and after seeing Shenzhen's technological and development achievements over the years, he believed that the development model of Shenzhen and Guangdong Province could also become a model for Xinjiang's future development.

He further pointed out that Xinjiang has great potential for development. Under the impetus of the Belt and Road Initiative, cooperation between the region and eight neighboring countries and regions, such as India, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Afghanistan, will be deepened. He believes that in the next decade, the Belt and Road Initiative will unleash great development potential in these countries and regions.

In addition, Brower noted that in March 2023, representatives of Saudi Arabia and Iran held a dialogue in Beijing and resumed diplomatic relations under the mediation of China. He pointed out that this is enough to prove that China can advocate cooperation to resolve regional conflicts through diplomatic means.

Looking ahead to 2024: The momentum of science and technology innovation provides a new annotation for the Belt and Road Initiative

"Economic development and economic growth are a key indicator of concern for people everywhere. China is a leader in global economic development. "In 2023, China's economic development has left a deep impression on Brower.

Talking about the outlook for 2024 and beyond, Brauer said that a country's innovation and scientific research capabilities should also be reflected in its development connotation. For example, he said that China's exploration in chip research and development, aerospace projects, new energy and other fields are all clear evidence of the development of its scientific and technological innovation momentum.

Brower further explained that Huawei's chips are well compatible with its mobile phone systems. In addition, he believes that China is also researching the production of new energy sources, and these scientific and technological innovation attempts have attracted much attention, representing a far-reaching development direction that may affect the course of human society.

Regarding the important role of scientific and technological innovation in China's next development, Brower cited the concept of the real economy to make an in-depth elaboration. He said that the real economy is not only the basis for measuring a country's GDP, but also an important indicator of a country's productivity, such as the level of manufacturing, innovation ability, and scientific and technological level.

"Purely financial and monetary terms cannot comprehensively summarize the various judgment indicators. A new perspective that uses the real economy as a scientific indicator to interpret the economy, and then drive the economy forward, needs more attention and interpretation." In this regard, Brauer explained that real physical investment, infrastructure construction and the type of technological innovation are essential to drive China's development in 2024 and beyond.

"In 2024, I hope that through our efforts, we can influence and improve the scientific understanding of the economy from the outside world. It is hoped that the economic inspiration of the Belt and Road Initiative will provide a better and clearer understanding of why the initiative will be more successful not only in 2024, but also in the next decade." Brower concluded. (ENDS)