According to him, Russian missile strikes are not tied to symbolic dates, but are aimed at hitting the strategic targets of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"This is not a school where there are youthful fights... Russia does not "retaliate" for anything. Each missile is aimed at a target, at the destruction of an object - military and infrastructure," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

According to him, each Russian drone is aimed at its own target.

"They are striving to achieve their goals. Destroy our infrastructure, our army," the official added.

Ihnat noted that he does not know about the plans for strikes by the Russian side.

Earlier, the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the ex-Prosecutor General of the country, Yuriy Lutsenko, on the air of the YouTube channel "Priamyi", called the current situation for the Ukrainian military the most difficult during the entire fighting.