He wrote about this on Telegram.

"Catch a new portion of forecasts, already for 2024 (and these are not glamorous ideas of Saxo Bank for you)," the message says.

According to Medvedev's forecast, in 2024 there will be a nationalization of the military-industrial complex of the countries of the European Union, as well as the United States and Canada, in order to subsequently donate all defense production to the Kiev regime.

In addition, the politician predicted the announcement of US President Joe Biden on the international wanted list against the backdrop of his "careless departure from the stage" during a speech.

Also, Medvedev added, next year the world is waiting for the revival of the "alien mummies" that are now hiding in American military bases, with the subsequent receipt by aliens of more than half of the seats in the US Senate and House of Representatives.

In conclusion, the politician predicted the beginning of the reign of the Reptilian Dynasty in Japan.