Liberia: Outgoing President Weah's appointment of a Supreme Court judge sparks controversy

In Liberia, the appointment of Musa Dean to the Supreme Court is currently raising many questions. It follows the resignation of Justice Joseph Nagbe for health reasons.

The Temple of Justice, in Monrovia, where the Supreme Court of Liberia is located. REUTERS/James Giahyue

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Judge Joseph Nagbe on Wednesday (27 December) asked for an early retirement which was accepted by outgoing President George Weah. It is therefore his current Minister of Justice, Musa Dean, who succeeds Joseph Nagbe. The appointment comes three weeks before George Weah leaves the presidency, and the question arises: why now?

While the health argument is put forward, observers point out that Judge Nagbe has had health problems since 2018 and could have left a long time ago.

To date, no one has seen his resignation letter.


So why the urgency to appoint Musa Dean in his place? " says Oscar Bloh, a specialist in governance.

Blessing Jacobs, from the NGO Justice Forum Liberia, questioned the relevance of bringing in a new judge "when in three weeks we will have changed the government.


Joseph Boakai has announced his intention to scrutinize all public contracts of the outgoing administration.


There could be things compromising for George Weah " says Oscar Bloh. "

According to him, the choice of Musa Dean to the Supreme Court can be explained by the desire of the outgoing president to block possible prosecutions against him and his relatives.

Ibrahim al-Bakri Nyei, a political scientist, believes that it is too early to know "whether Dean will be an instrument of promotion or undermining of justice for the sole purpose of protecting George Weah."

The justice minister was a long-time member of Joseph Boakai's Unity Party before joining George Weah's government.


Given his unstable alliances, he remains unpredictable Nyei concludes.

Musa Dean's nomination still needs to be approved by the Senate.

Read also"Liberians felt that George Weah betrayed them"

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  • Liberia
  • George Weah
  • Justice