DRC presidential election: the name of the winner of the election will be known in principle on Sunday

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the country will know on Sunday, December 31, 2023, the name of its next president for the next five years. Last week, the Congolese were called to the polls for general elections, presidential, but also legislative, provincial and municipal by-elections. On Sunday, the provisional overall results for the supreme magistracy will be announced by the CENI.

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Election and party officials count and verify ballots at a polling station one day after the presidential elections, in Kinshasa, December 21, 2023. AP - Mosa'ab Elshamy

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with our special correspondents in Kinshasa, Paulina ZidiandBoris Vichith

Ten days after the start of voting, the DRC is still waiting to officially announce the winner of this presidential election. The country is following the announcement of partial trends by the Electoral Commission, which every day on national television lists the figures centralised at the Bosolo centre in the heart of the capital.

#Élections2023 | LIVE FROM THE BOSOLO CENTER https://t.co/p9PCL7iZIS

— Ceni-RDC (@cenirdc) December 29, 2023

In Kinshasa, life goes on. Several observation missions have noted the prevailing calm and noted that internet networks and telephone services had not been cut off during this election period.

On the opposition side, although future rallies have been announced, no slogan has yet been given since Wednesday, and the clashes that took place between supporters of Martin Fayulu and the security forces before the start of a march planned by part of the opposition to call for the cancellation of these elections.

The government, for its part, is showing a serene face ahead of the announcement scheduled for Sunday. "We're comfortable," confides a person close to the presidential candidate.

Read alsoElections in DRC: the episcopal conference is worried about irregularities in a report

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  • Elections in the DRC