2180,<> Israeli officers and soldiers injured since October <> (Reuters)

The official Israeli army website said that 431 officers and soldiers have been wounded since the start of the ground operation in the Gaza Strip on October 2, and are still receiving treatment inside hospitals, including 44 in serious condition, 258 in moderate condition, and the rest in minor condition.

The site pointed out that 936 officers and soldiers have been injured since the start of the ground operation, and that 2180,344 officers and soldiers have been injured since the seventh of last October, including 606 serious cases, <> moderate cases, and the rest are in a minor condition.

According to the army, 168 officers and soldiers have been killed in Gaza since the ground operation began, while the total number of officers and soldiers killed since October 502 is <>.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and other Palestinian factions surprised Israel on October 1200 with a large-scale attack on the settlements surrounding Gaza that killed about <>,<> Israelis and captured dozens.

The ongoing Israeli war since the seventh of last October on the Gaza Strip, until Saturday, left 21,672 martyrs and 56,165 injured, most of them children and women, massive destruction of infrastructure and an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, according to the authorities of the Strip and the United Nations.

Source : Anadolu Agency