"Let's finally, at least for the time of the special military operation, and better forever, but at least for the time of the special military operation, introduce a luxury tax. A 23% luxury tax, as is customary in our family. What does that mean? This means that if a person buys something optional, some kind of trinket, you know, a diamond for the ass or an emerald for the ass worth <> million rubles. If a person buys it, then he must send the same amount to the front... And then you can turn a blind eye to the fact that this diamond or emerald is dangling on someone's ass," Simonyan said.

According to her, "ordinary people" will not suffer from this law, but will only benefit.

"Because... They will know that the people who can afford it share it with those who protect everyone, both ordinary people and difficult people. They protect everyone, and we should help them all, and those with more opportunities should help more. This is the law of life," she said.

Earlier, the Lefortovo District Court of Moscow imposed an administrative fine of 100 thousand rubles on Ivleeva for organizing a "naked" party.

Ivleeva came to the event in a transparent dress, and put a necklace with a precious stone on her buttocks, saying that it costs 23 million rubles.

A scandalous party at the Mutabor club was recognized as LGBT propaganda.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Philip Kirkorov published a video message on his social networks, in which he apologized for participating in the party at the Mutabor club. Russian singer Dima Bilan also explained his participation in the party.

State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov, in an interview with RT, called for the development of a set of rules of conduct for domestic artists against the background of the discussion of Ivleeva's "party".

* LGBT is an organization recognized as extremist, its activities are banned in Russia by the decision of the Supreme Court dated 30/11/2023.