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Duration 02 minutes 18 seconds 02:18

Al-Jazeera broadcast quality scenes of battles in the areas of Al-Daraj and Al-Tuffah, east of Gaza City, between the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and the Israeli occupation army.

Al-Qassam scenes showed its fighters targeting a number of vehicles, between tanks and bulldozers from different distances, with "Al-Yassin 105" shells, and hitting them directly.

The scenes also included targeting one of the vehicles with two marks, night targeting scenes, and a scene showing the targeting of a tank with a soldier at close range, where it caught fire after being hit.

Earlier, the Qassam Brigades announced the targeting of 20 Israeli military vehicles during the past 48 hours in the areas of Al-Daraj and Al-Tuffah, adding that its fighters are engaged in fierce clashes with the occupation forces in the areas of Al-Shaaf and Jabal Al-Rayes, east of Gaza City.

It added that they detonated an antipersonnel device in an Israeli foot force, and targeted another force holed up in a building with a TPG shell, causing a large number of deaths and injuries.

Al-Qassam has been documenting its operations against the forces and vehicles of the occupation army - in various axes of fighting - since the start of the Israeli ground operation on October 27, where the battalions use anti-personnel missiles, armor and fortifications, in addition to tight ambushes, and accurate sniper operations.

Source : Al Jazeera