• Politics Pablo Iglesias calls for a boycott of the pact between Sumar and Podemos in Galicia to vote for the BNG
  • 18-F Sumar and Podemos agree to run together in the Galician elections three weeks after breaking in Congress

The debate within Podemos about the coalition with Sumar for the Galician elections is facing a new twist in the script. Juan Carlos Monedero has called on the party's militants to vote in favor of this alliance in the consultation that is open until tonight, even if it is a "trap-offer", and flatly rejects that since its formation the vote for the BNG is requested.

The opinion of the co-founder of Podemos clashes head-on with the public position made yesterday by Pablo Iglesias so that the party's registered members in Galicia overturned the "pre-agreement" with Sumar in the consultation that ends today at 23:59 p.m. The former secretary general of the party asked from his website to vote against and pointed out that it was not necessary to run in the Galician elections alone, but that it was necessary to campaign in favor of the BNG.

For its part, the national leadership of Podemos remains absolutely cold about the coalition with Sumar in Galicia and its members have not come out to defend the need for such a pact with those of Yolanda Díaz.

In this atmosphere contrary to the pact reached by the leadership of Podemos Galicia with the promoter of Sumar Galicia, Monedero has come forward to defend that this coalition has to go ahead, even if it is a "trap" and "arrogant" agreement on the part of Díaz's party. In addition, it states that the vote for another party, alluding to the BNG, "cannot even be taken into consideration".

In a lengthy message on the social network X, formerly Twitter, the co-founder of Podemos assures that the future of Podemos "goes through the European elections right now" and warns that "nothing would harm it more for that objective than being accused of dividing the left in Galicia and being responsible for the probable bad result that the left is going to get there".

For this reason, he argues that even if it is a bad agreement, Podemos has to go with Sumar. "What is best for the future of Podemos? Vote yes to Sumar's offer-trap to avoid distractions from the strategy that has been set out in the 'roadmap', continue working to create a party, hold your head very high because Sumar will have been given the last opportunity to show what it is worth or is not worth, and prepare so that Podemos can tell the country as a whole in the European elections what it really weighs. Today, therefore, is a day of politics. And that is done by voting Yes in the Galician consultation," he says.

Monedero acknowledges that Sumar's offer to Podemos "has once again been arrogant." "Hence, what the body asks of any militant is to express contempt for insisting on humiliation. Although perhaps that is what was sought by making such an unbalanced offer," he points out. However, he explains that it should be up exclusively to Yolanda Díaz "to give an account of what happens in Galicia, without anyone resorting again to the well-worn [argument that] 'Podemos's fault'".

The former leader affirms that the "higher task" that should concern the militants of Podemos and not distract them is to "reorganize the party in Galicia". "Four left-wing candidacies in Galicia are a failure and the guarantee that we all deserve to lose. But Podemos cannot and does not want to disappear from Galicia. Voting for another party cannot even be taken into consideration," he said.

  • Can
  • Galicia
  • Juan Carlos Monedero
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Yolanda Diaz
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  • Galicia Elections