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Video duration 12 minutes 47 seconds 12:47

Military and strategic expert Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi said that the Israeli occupation army pushed two paratrooper brigades to Al-Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip, after failing in more than one attempt to advance inside the camp, where it had started a military operation 3 days ago to support its operations in Khan Yunis.

Al-Duwairi pointed out that the battle of Khan Yunis, which began weeks before the battle of Al-Bureij, did not achieve any achievement that leads to the development of its field operations, as well as the case in the eastern region, which was pushed by large forces that reached 5 brigades, but all failed to achieve any military goal.

The military expert added that Israel – 3 days ago – pushed the 36th Division towards Bureij and Nuseirat, in an attempt to confuse the resistance forces and force them to move their elements from Khan Yunis towards those areas, but the occupation forces failed in more than one attempt to advance in the Bureij camp.

He explained that after failing in the first attempt, the occupation forces attacked Al-Bureij from 3 directions, north, east and south, but fell into the traps of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which announced the destruction of 19 vehicles yesterday before announcing today that the number had risen to 72.

Al-Duwairi believes that these large losses in the mechanisms and equipment of the occupation army reflect the ferocity of the fighting and the good management of the Qassam Brigades for their defensive battle, which prompted the occupation to push the 6th Brigade, which did not provide any result as well on the battlefield, so that the army pushed a paratrooper brigade in order to achieve security for the advanced mechanisms.

Commenting on al-Qassam's announcement of the detonation of a minefield in an infantry force and vehicles north of al-Bureij camp, al-Duwairi pointed out that this is the second time that the brigades have used to detonate a minefield, which is detonated remotely and causes an effective and strong blow to the targeted division.

Source : Al Jazeera