10. This is how the murder in Hjälstaviken is supposed to have happened – step by step

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With exclusive insight into the investigation, SVT's reporter Christoffer Urborn explains how the high-profile murder in Hjälstaviken is supposed to have happened. Photo: Pontus Stark/SVT

9. Here the gunman knocks on the door of Rawa Majid's father-in-law

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In the video: Watch the family's night of terror as a gun is pointed at their door. Photo: Police

8. Why it's possible to miss that you're pregnant

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In the clip: Hear chief physician Anna-Karin Wikström explain how it is possible to have a child – without knowing that you have been pregnant. Photo: SVT

7. The town at war with the wild boars – Anneli met an aggressive pig

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"I have to protect the dog, I have to protect the dog," says Anneli Strand, who met two wild boars at close range. Hear about the meeting in the video. Photo: Private

6. Here are Uppsala's most expensive properties: "Hard to sell"

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Real estate agent Ulrika Skatt Bolander has been commissioned to sell one of Uppsala's most expensive villas – at the same time as it is more difficult than ever to sell expensive properties. Hear more about her thoughts in the video. Photo: Johanna Sundbeck

5. Isabelle didn't know she was pregnant – until her daughter Selma was born

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In the clip: Hear Isabelle talk about how she missed that she was pregnant – until she was in the emergency room with contractions and gave birth to her daughter Selma. Photo: Lisa Chröisty/SVT

4. Here the unusual comet passes Uppsala: "Visible with the naked eye"

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In the clip: See the comet C2022E3 travels among the stars. Photo: Johannes Puschnig

3. Unexpected visit in the middle of the plot – four lynx run past

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One... Three? Four! – see the lynx raping Mark Sumobay's summer house in Skärplinge in the video. Photo: Mark Sumobay/private

2. The family rescued Annie the moose calf – here they are reunited

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In the video: Follow along when the moose calf Annie is reunited with the foster family Högare in Enköping. Photo: SVT

1. "Stop for the hell of it!" – watch the madness when the Enforcement Authority knocks on the door

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Several destroyed cars, tow trucks and police vehicles – watch as the angry man from Norduppland goes berserk with a loader. Photo: Police