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Video duration 30 minutes 06 seconds 30:06

Analysts and writers believe that the war waged by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip has further fueled internal disputes in Israel, and pointed to the steadfastness of the Palestinian resistance and its ability to harm this occupation.

Dr. Liqa Makki, the first researcher at the Al Jazeera Center for Studies, stressed that the escalation of Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip increases fragmentation inside Israel, and said that without the resistance, there would not have been the current dispute between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his opponents, and Netanyahu would have been crowned a hero and his alliance had won.

Makki spoke of a well-defined defeat and a protracted war, which Israel could not have imagined, and noted that this war has brought a drain on Israel and in its ability to sustain international support.

Makki said – in his speech during the daily analytical pause "Gaza ... What's more?" Had it not been for the steadfastness of the resistance and its ability to inflict great damage on the Israeli army, internal disputes would not have emerged in Israel, and if they existed, they would not have been so strong and clear.

For his part, writer and specialist in Israeli affairs Ihab Jabarin said that Israel was on a hot plate before the seventh of October / October, and this situation cast a shadow on the aftermath of this date, noting that the government coalition is heterogeneous.

Netanyahu surrounded his right-wing government with what he called a rabble, referring to radical ministers, worked to rid politics of any substance for a decade, and completely destroyed the military establishment, so there were efforts to abandon him.

Jabarin said Benny Gantz's entry into Netanyahu's government was in order to lend some legitimacy and show that there is some sort of unity among Israeli politicians.

Crisis of confidence between Netanyahu and IDF Chief of Staff Halevy (Government Press Office)

As for the expert in American affairs and international relations, Khaled Taraani, he said that Netanyahu failed and his government, which allied with Defense Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, failed and caused embarrassment to the United States, noting that the seventh of October / October came as a culmination of this embarrassment.

Taraani said that the defeat of the occupation in the Gaza Strip is a defeat for the Americans as well, and a military defeat at the strategic and tactical levels for both.

Washington and Tel Aviv have also become isolated at the international level, through the UN vote and the abandonment of the Red Sea by Britain and France.

The international relations expert pointed out that there are differences between the administration of US President Joe Biden and Netanyahu personally, and if the latter was winning the war, it would have been easier for him to use the Republican Party to pressure Biden.

Source : Al Jazeera