A video of Lolita's statement was published on her Telegram channel.

According to Milyavskaya, she was going to an "art exhibition, an art object," not a party.

She also said that she was "ironic that someone didn't like it."

Lolita added that people, in their opinion, rightly write letters asking to "ban" her and cut her out of all existing New Year's programs.

"I don't like it so much when, like in kindergarten, you hear: 'This is the last time', 'I won't do it again.' No one knows what will happen, who will be torn off, who will cry from what, and who will laugh at what. You just have to stay human in any case," she said.

Earlier, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Philip Kirkorov published a video message on his social networks, in which he apologized for participating in the party of blogger Anastasia Ivleeva in the Moscow club "Mutabor".

Russian singer Dima Bilan also explained his participation in the party.

Representatives of the public organization "Call of the People" called on the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia to check Ivleeva's party for LGBT* propaganda, as well as drugs.

At the same time, Roskomnadzor found signs of LGBT propaganda in a number of photos and videos from the party.

Deputy of the State Duma Dmitry Gusev appealed to the heads of Channel One, VGTRK and NTV with a call to remove the participants of the "naked party" from the air of TV channels.

* LGBT is an organization recognized as extremist, its activities are banned in Russia by the decision of the Supreme Court dated 30/11/2023.