Spraying perfume on clothes is one of the biggest mistakes in using perfume, as the perfume reacts to body heat (Pixels)

Some studies say that perfumes affect feelings and mood, so people prefer perfumes over others, which makes the world of perfumes diverse and full of choices that vary according to tastes, and meet the needs of daily use and special occasions, from the delightful scents of lilies, to lavender or soothing sandalwood.

While reaching the perfect fragrance can be difficult in itself, maintaining the fragrance throughout the day may be just as difficult, as many complain that their carefully chosen fragrances to be attractive and distinctive may not last on their clothes and skin, and quickly dissipate as if they were not.

This is explained by the beauty expert, Sophie Blackledge, that there are common mistakes when using perfumes, which may prevent their stability for a longer time, explaining that there are basic steps to keep the perfume constant, and make the scent last from morning to evening, by avoiding errors that prevent the maximum benefit from every drop of perfume.

The best way to make your fragrance last is to apply it to pulse points that include the wrists, neck, and behind the ears (Pixels)

The most common mistakes when applying perfume

  • 1- Apply perfume to dry skin

Dry skin is not suitable for fragrances, which last longer when applied to oily and damp skin, which emphasizes the importance of moisturizing the skin daily with an unscented moisturizer, to keep it hydrated without disturbing the sense of smell.

Sophie also emphasizes the importance of preparing the skin for a longer-lasting fragrance, by showering to get rid of the effects of sweat or oil, fixing the smell more, and avoiding applying any perfume or shaving lotion before bathing, so that steam and heat do not cause its disappearance.

If you don't have time to take a bath and apply a moisturizer, Sophie suggests "applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the pulse points before spraying, as the sticky texture of petroleum jelly helps the smell stick to the skin more."

  • 2- Spray a lot of perfume

Perfumes do not stay at the same frequency throughout the day, because they consist of 3 layers, the upper to release the immediate scent, the middle to release the next scent, and the base layer or base layer, which lasts longer, so spraying more perfume makes the perfume worse.

For a unique scent, Sophie suggests layering perfumes, starting with the strongest scent as a base, then a layer of lighter scents on top, and choosing complementary scents, such as floral, to maximize the fragrance.

To get a unique scent, it is recommended to apply layers of perfume, starting with the strongest scent as a base, then a layer of lighter scents (Pixels)

  • 3- Rubbing the wrists after applying the perfume

Sophie says the best way to make your perfume last is to apply it to pulse points that include the wrists, neck, behind the ears and even elbows. The skin is naturally warmer in these spots, which makes the heat react with the fragrance, spreading naturally, and helping the scent stay longer.

While many people are used to rubbing their wrists after applying perfume, Sophie says this is "one of the worst mistakes that can spoil the quality of a perfume," and advises instead "spraying perfume on the pulse points and leaving it to settle on the skin."

Experts also explain that rubbing the wrists after applying the perfume may change the course of the smell, and the fragrance loses the refreshing sensation, due to the disruption of the upper and middle layer of the perfume, and sufficiency with the base layer. In addition, the friction caused by rubbing heats the skin and produces enzymes that dispel the freshness of the fragrance.

Dry skin does not fit the fragrance and lasts longer when applied to oily and damp skin (Pixels)

  • 4- Spray perfume on clothes

It is also one of the biggest mistakes in using perfumes common, as perfume works by interacting with body heat, to spread in the same way as smells from incense sticks when ignited, while putting perfume on clothes not only wastes its value, but also harms clothes due to the various chemicals used in its composition.

Especially when sprayed on decorative clothes, it causes loss of shine and color of the area on which the perfume is sprayed frequently.

The way a fragrance is stored can affect its scent and how long it stays on the skin (Pixels)

  • 5- Store perfumes wrongly

The way the perfume is stored can affect its smell and how long it stays on the skin, so Sophie recommends "placing perfume away from windows and heat sources" and making sure to close bottle caps, and avoid placing them in hot and bright rooms, because direct sunlight can affect the quality of the scent and its rate of persistence, "even if the perfume is within the shelf life."

For her part, French perfume expert Cyrano McLean recommends keeping perfumes away from the bathroom, as the moisture from bathing leads to the oxidation of the most sensitive ingredients such as citrus fruits and flowers, which affects the smell and color, and does not prefer to store perfumes in the refrigerator for a long time, and believes that "the ideal place to store them is a dry and dark closet."

She recommends storing perfumes in a cool and dark place at room temperature of 16-22 °C, preferably in dark or opaque glass containers, to help protect the fragrance from the sun, but storing perfumes in the bathroom closet or anywhere where temperatures fluctuate is a big mistake.

Perfumers recommend keeping perfumes away from the bathroom (Pixels)

  • 6- Consider the big bottle a good idea

This is wrong, because the more oxygen in the bottle (after using 70% of the perfume), the more the fragrance molecules will degrade and change its smell, so it is better to buy a smaller bottle to preserve the fragrance; if your favorite perfume is only available in a large bottle, pour the amount into small bottles and store the half-empty bottles in the refrigerator.

  • 7- Neglect the expiration date

The fragrance usually lasts for 2-10 years, but perfumes, like anything else, have an expiration date, after which the fragrance can evaporate, over time. Therefore, you should check the expiration date of a perfume that stays in a drawer for a period of time, to avoid a weak smell.

Source : Websites