The Chinese government has announced a new draft regulation for online games amid tightening regulations on gaming addiction. In response to this, in the Hong Kong stock market, the stock price of a major company dealing in online games in China temporarily plummeted, and there are concerns about the impact on the economy.

China's authorities in charge of the media and gaming industry announced on the 22nd a new draft regulation for online games.

It prohibits content that endangers the unity and security of the nation and disrupts social order.

In addition, in order to prevent excessive game use and billing, it prohibits a mechanism that allows users to obtain benefits when they play games every day or continue to charge.

In China, the authorities have been restricting the amount of time minors can use games as a measure against children's game addiction, but this time they have indicated a policy to further strengthen them.

In response to the announcement of the proposed regulations, the Hong Kong stock market is concerned about the impact on the economy, with the stock price of Tencent, a Chinese IT giant that handles online games, falling by 16% at one point.